Weird & Wonderful...
Below are our articles on the subject of Weird & Wonderful. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Colonic Hydrotherapy and Detox
Detox doesn't begin and end with a diet. Colonic hydrotherapy is billed as the perfect detox partner, but should you give it a try?...
How Do Detox Foot Patches Work?
Detox is not all about dieting. Many treatments and products claim to assist the body's natural detox processes - some even while you sleep!...
Lazy Detox Ideas
Too lazy to detox? No matter - our guide to an easy detox will have even the laziest lads and ladies feeling fitter in no time....
The Junk Food Lover's Detox Guide
A detox diet plan doesn't have to be torture for the junk food addict! Take a look at our guide to making healthier versions of your favourite foods and give your body…...
What is Ayurvedic Detox?
Ayurveda takes a unique approach to detox, helping our bodies to work with nature for health and wellbeing. Why not find out what Ayurveda could do for you?...
What is Detox Cupping?
Cupping is an ancient treatment thought to help the body to detox. Find out what it's all about - you might find you get sucked in!...