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Know Your Body's Detox

By: Rachel Collier - Updated: 12 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Know Your Body's Detox

You might be familiar with what a detox is, and the body benefits that some believe detox diets can bring. You might even be vaguely familiar with the organs in your body that are responsible for your own natural detoxification process. Our quick body detox guide will help you find out what goes on inside us all and why it’s so important to keep your body happy, from the inside out.

Digestion Question

The term 'digestive system' covers numerous organs within the body, all concerned with breaking down the food we eat into fuel and discarding the waste through the bowel. The colon and large intestine are where years of undigested waste can build up, and many people believe in the power of colonic irrigation to cleanse and clear the area, allowing natural detoxification to work much more efficiently.

Feeling Liverish?

The liver has a big job within the human body. Along with being our largest internal organ, the liver is tasked with various functions, including, detoxifying waste and producing bile to break down fat . Taking medication, drinking alcohol and eating excess saturated fat all cause the liver to work harder. Struggling to process these toxins, this can mean it finds its ‘day job’ harder to execute.

Perfect Pancreas

The pancreas is a gland, as opposed to an organ, and is responsible for the creation of some hormones (including insulin) and pancreatic juices, which help to break down fat, carbohydrates and protein within the small intestine. Maintaining sugar levels and processing the nutrients that stomach acid cannot, the functions of the pancreas can be adversely affected by the consumption of excess alcohol.

Clever Kidneys

Our kidneys work hard to act as the main filter system for the body, cleaning the blood as it passes through. Waste products are sent from the kidneys to the bladder, leaving the body in our urine. Other functions of the kidneys include regulating blood pressure through the creation of hormones, making red blood cells and keeping our fluid levels stable. Drinking sufficient fluid is critical for good kidney function.

Love your Lymph!

Lymph is a fluid created by the network of tubes that make up our lymphatic system. Essential for a healthy immune system, lymphatic fluid contains white blood cells to battle infection, illness and foreign toxins. Maintaining a regular exercise regime, along with body brushing, can help the lymphatic process to work efficiently, since unlike our circulatory system it has no natural pump to keep it moving. Even deep breathing can stimulate the lymph, so holistic practices like yoga will also bring benefits.

When you consider how complicated and incredibly efficient the human body can be, it’s easy to feel more inclined to help it as much as possible. Eating a healthy, organic diet rich in whole, fresh foods will feed you in more ways than one. Make sure you drink plenty of water too and try to keep your diet as natural as possible. You’ll be rewarded with more energy, glowing skin and a greater sense of health and wellbeing. What are you waiting for?

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